
Bougainville, L. A. de, 1729-1811

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Referencias bibliográficas de Bougainville, L. A. de, 1729-1811

Bougainville, L. A. de, 1729-1811

Viaje alrededor del mundo por la fragata del Rey La "Boudeuse" y la fusta la "Estrella" en 1767, 1768 y 1769. Madrid :Ed. Calpe,1921. 2 v. :il. ;18 cm.

Voyage autour de monde, par la Frégata du Roi La Boudeuse et la Flute d'Etoile ; En 1766, 1767, 1768 & 1769. Paris :Chez Saillant & Nyon, Libr.,1771. 417 p., [12] h. de láms. :20 mapas plegs. ;20 cm.

The history of a voyage to the Malouine (or Falkland) Islands, made in 1763 and 1764, under the command of M. de Bougainville, in order to form a Settlement there : and of two voyages is the Streights of Magellan, with an account of the Patagonians. London :William Goldsmith,1773. xvii, 294 p., 7 h. de láms. plegs. :mapas ;28 cm. (4to)